Current projects:

  • clingo-fmt - Experimental formatter for clingo code.
  • tree-sitter-clingo - Clingo grammar for tree-sitter.
  • fzn2lp - A converter from FlatZinc into an ASP fact format.
  • flatzinc - A parser for the FlatZinc modelling language.
  • clingo-rs - Rust bindings to the clingo library.
  • meneco - A tool to compute optimal extensions for a metabolic network.
  • iggy - Tools for the consistency based analysis (consistency check, diagnosis, repair and prediction) of influence graphs models and experimental observations.
  • exdesi - Design experiments to differentiate interaction graph models.model.
  • precursor - A tool to compute minimal sets of precursor metabolites necessary to produce targets metabolites.

Older projects:

  • ingranalyze - The precursor of Iggy computes the minimal inconsistent core (MIC) of an influence graph
  • pyasp - A convenience wrapper for the ASP tools gringo, clasp, claspD.
  • hasple - An experimental answer set solver in Haskell.
  • shogen - Combine metabolic network and gene sequence to compute the Shortest Gene Segments (SGS) activating a metabolic pathway.
  • gringo and clingo - A grounder and solver for logic programs.
  • platypus - A parallel answer set solver